Author eric walker

Lost Souls Recovered

“An expertly told tale of love, loss, and second chances.” -Kirkus Reviews


One Fateful Night, John Must Make a Life-Changing Decision and Leave Everything He’s Ever Known… But Life Was Never So Kind to Let Him Leave Peacefully.
Life on the plantation was all seventeen-year-old John had ever known.
His mother had been the property of the plantation owner, and in turn, so was John. He’d grown up in the harsh environment where his hands and feet were put to work the moment he could think for himself.
Slavery had ended, but also… it had not.
It felt like nothing had changed — they still glared at John with distasteful looks, treated him like he was worth less than them, and he was still tied to working at the plantation.
Until one fateful night
When the wife of their plantation owner suddenly passes away, John’s life completely turns upside down as all fingers point at him.
With the instruction of his mother—the only blood relative he knows in the world—John painstakingly flees their slave cabin, leaves his mother behind without telling her the real reason he needs to leave, and begins to make his way down south, away from all the accusations, to find a putative cousin, and in search of a bigger and better life.
If only it were that easy…
Throughout his journey, John must stay two steps ahead as the plantation owner shadows him every step of the way. One misstep could cost him his newly-earned freedom — and his life.
Embark on a heart-wrenching, explosive, fast-paced, and adventure-filled journey in this historical fiction inspired by a true story. Travel with John as he does everything he can to honor the promise he made to his mother — to find a cousin and that bigger and better life.
Filled with loss, gain, self-reinvention, and struggle, this book is going to keep you on the edge of your seat as John fights against his inner demons and wrestles them for control of his identity and emotions.

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Eric’s Bio

As an amateur genealogist and family historian, Eric Walker was impelled to write his debut novel Lost Souls Recovered when he discovered the richness of family stories through research of historical documents and those told to him by relatives. As he read historical documents and talked to relatives, he envisioned a way to bring to life in fiction form many of his ancestors who lived a hardscrabble life and who worked to overcome hardship. He believes the written word can unlock doors as well as the imagination and unite our spirit through our visions. He is working on a second novel involving land loss through force and intimidation during the early post-Reconstruction era. You can follow Eric on social media @sennachietyme and contact him at

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